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Before college I sought only to be a “realistic” painter. Upon entering college in 1963, however, I studied both objective and non-objective painting and soon discovered I preferred the latter. I nevertheless occasionally return to objective painting -usually to do a portrait, like those shown here: my portrait of epic poet John Neihardt (from a photograph by Ron Nicodemas), or the self-portrait in my role as mountain man Jim Bridger in my one man show Seekers of the Fleece, the portrait of Frank Fools the Crow (from a photograph by Ann Rubideaux), or one of my son Gabriel at age 14 playing violin at a wedding.

Self-Portrait, 30"x 24", oil on canvas, 1998
Epic Poet John G. Neihardt, 36"x36", acrylic on canvas, 1978

Frank Fools-the-Crow, 30"x24", acrylic on canvas, 1978

Gabriel Bridger Durham, 36"x24", oil on canvas, 2004
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